Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Glatorian Game

The Galtorian game is out! It's awsome. try it and tell me what you think.

Friday, February 20, 2009

More Vehicles

Here some pictures.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Glatorian Arena Game

I bet you've heard about the new game coming out on In the trailer for it, it says coming out in Feb. 2009. Don't you think it's taking a really long time to come out. It's already the 18th.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bionicle Legends Reborn Storyline

Once a great and powerful ruler, Mata Nui finds himself stripped of his stature and ousted to a remote, decaying wasteland - a desert junkyard. Local villagers scavenge the remains, building shelters, survival gear and arenas where each village's best gladiator is pitted against another to end disputes. Mata Nui, in search of a way home, finds himself in the middle of one of those battles.
However, when Mata Nui leaves the arena triumphant, he is as surprised as the villagers, who then ask him to fight their real enemies, the Skrall and the Bone Hunters. United with his band of gladiators, he struggles to unite a devastated land and find the secret to reclaiming his own lost empire. But a bigger secret awaits...

Link For Trailer
There's the link for the bionicle trailer.

Monday, February 16, 2009

More Pics

Here is Mata-nui and Stronius.

Bionicle Sets

Here are the new bionicle sets for 2009.

Bionicle Movie In 2009!!!

Hey, i just wanted to tell yo guys that there will be a new bionicle movie in the fall of 2009. It is set on Bara Magna. Check out the trailer on youtube.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here's some pictures of one of the vehicles coming out this summer.