I know you can't talk much on 2010, but I have a few questions.
1) The new theme replacing Bionicle is NOT Ben 10, correct?
2) What kind of pieces will summer 2010 sets be? Bionicle/technic, brick or mix?
3) Is there going to be a story like Bionicle? Will there be a book or books, online serials, etc?
4) Do you think the new theme will have a similar feel to Bionicle? Sets, story, all?
5) Do you think the majority of BZP will like this new theme?
6) When should we start hearing and seeing things on this new theme?
1) Correct. Ben 10 comes out in January, not in summer.
2) It is based on the same platform as BIONICLE
3-4) I really can't go into detail on this, but I will not be on the story team for it, my priority is working on BIONICLE story. I don't really have time to be involved in two different stories plus do my job.
5) No idea.
6) Beginning of next year. I know info will be released around ToyFair in Feb., if not before.
So we won't have to wait long to see if the NEW LINE is as good as BIONICLE was.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I have a couple questions for him of my own- I might ask him.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I wonder, if BZP freaked out about some bionicle sets like the mistika etc, that they could freak out MORE on stuff that's almost LIKE bionicle but NOT bionicle?
The new peices or "Faces" might make them upset. But hey, it's for little kids.
The Ben 10 line will certainly fail epicly i expect only half the sets made will sell. When that line goes down the drain hopefully Lego will find sense and bring back Bionicle.
ReplyDeleteAs for the new series they plan to release i expect most Bionicle fans will only buy a few sets to make MOC`s of other Bionicles in the storyline.
I`m really annoyed with Lego`s decision after they said there were going to be 2 more films after the Legend Reborn. Know those have been cancelled.
It seems stupid to cancell the series so soon. A proper ending (Such as having atleast a fifth film where Mata Nui goes to the Maze and eventually battles Teridax)
Hopefully Bionicle fans will go out and buy as many Bionicle sets as possible even if it wont save the series it is best to have some of these awesome sets before they dissapear.
Something tells me that this new theme will include Lego bricks attached to Bionicle pieces. That is the only way they could improve a bit on the Bionicle line.
We all knew Bionicle was ending but we hoped it would end in 2011 giving us enough time for a ten year anniversary set (Mata Nui and Teridax in super scale)
I wouldn't count out those 2 new movies. if the bionicle story is going to continue, then I would expect that there will probably be more movies.
ReplyDeleteI agree. the Ben 10 line will fail miserably
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