Saturday, January 2, 2010

HERO Factory

HERO Factory will be replacing BIONICLE! What a totally g-- name "HERO Factory" in fact its so g-- i won't even post pics. Just google it if you want to see pics. In my opinion this will not sell well. I haven't seen very good pics yet but they look dumb. Their names are even stupid. One's name is like Natalie Breez or something. If this sells I will kill myself. BIONICLE will come back. It has to. If it doesn't I hope LEGO goes broke and can't make more sets.


  1. I think the pics are O.K. but the names are just dumb. First Bionicle ends now this.

  2. Hate the Heros, but the villains look cool.

  3. Yes they are not even cool AT ALL!!!! I agree with Daniel...
