Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Review of Bionicle Stars (Rahkshi)

Rahkshi in yellow. Very cool color scheme. But i'll start this review with the new pieces. First is the spine thingy. it's a very cool piece. I don't know how it's connected but if it is connected using a plus rod, we may be able to use it as leg and shoulder armor in the bigger sets. His head if it isn't a new piece is at least a recolor. I am not sure but they may have changed the design a little bit. The feet are also recolors. I think the legs might be also but im not sure. is the staff a new piece. I think it was used on other rahkshi. This set is awsome. I comes with a gold piece of course. i'll say 9/10 on this one also.


  1. he's so cute. just like a little dinosaur thingy.

  2. i want to follow you because i love bionicle

  3. the legs are recolours, as is the head, and the staff was used on gurak. this is a rakshi of heat vision, and mata nui 800, he may look cute to u now, but he wouldn't when he burns a hole in u (assuming he exsisted of course).
    -Konguchaos, BS01 User

  4. it is my best bionicle but bionicle stars is the last bionicle for ever
