Monday, October 12, 2009

Bionicle Stars...

...are canon. yes they are part of the story. Greg F. said that Teridax will be coming to Bara Magna. Mata Nui will probably go to the valley of the maze at the end of this year. This may not be the end of bionicle in 2010 because Greg also said that he wants to write about Bota Magna.


  1. i dont play bionicles anymore so i got nothing to say.

  2. you got a sweet blog man, check out mine. in one of my posts i posted a link to your blog, so maybe that will get us more followers!

  3. thanks legolee. can u follow my blog please. hey mechvorax, i didnt get his email, no.

  4. Oh my gosh! Gresh, where'd you find this?
    Amazing......... I'm guessing somehow when teridax gets there, takanuva and tahu go after him....... remember takanuva said in his 2008 blog, that he found the makuta demension portal and is seeing if nuparu can take a look at it... and if I say any more this will get pretty boring reading this.....


  5. i know the rahkshi and piraka never make it to bara magna, but i know the gold peices make a golden tahu. they might in fact be making a teridax, but im not too sure

  6. what do u mean? who said that rahkshi and piraka dont make it to bara magna?

  7. Actually I heard that the piraka are NOT going to bara magna but the rahkshi may go to Bara Magna as some of Teridax's lackeys.

  8. piraka isn't one of the sets. it is actually a skakdi.

  9. The Stars are canon? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    They can't be serious... I thought they were just exclusives... Well they better not be the main sets...


  10. This is very anoying if they are cannon.

  11. sorry guys but i heard from numerous sources that the stars are in fact 2010's canister sets.
