Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Fight for Bara Magna Part 10

Gelu’s hut was bigger then most. They entered and found Gelu in conversation with an Agori. “Gelu, these three Glatorian would like to talk to you,” said Metus.
“One moment please,” said Gelu.
He finished his conversation with the Agori and then asked them to sit down. The Agori he had been talking to left with Metus. “What do you want?” Gelu asked.
Mata-Nui for the second time that day, told his story. “I will help you,” said Gelu.
“Good,” said Vastus.
“My only condition is that you help me locate a thornax bush,” said Gelu.
“We are doing this for the good of Bara Magna,” said Ackar, “not for a price.”
“I am running out of ammo for my thornax launcher,” said Gelu, “and as I see, you are too.”
“We will go search for one,” said Mata-Nui, “then we will continue our search for Glatorian.”