Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Fight for Bara Magna Part 17

The four Glatorian found a row of caves with talk coming from them. They entered one and found some Agori. Mata-Nui asked them where they could find Tarix. The Agori told them where and the group went to the cave. Tarix looked up from a map and asked them to sit down. They sat down and Mata-Nui told him who they were. Tarix sat there for a moment and said, “So you have been to Tajun?”
“Yes,” said Vastus. “We have seen what has happened.”
“Have the Skrall destroyed the village?” asked Tarix.
“No,” said Mata-Nui.
“Good,” said Tarix.
“We came to ask you if we would join our party,” said Mata-Nui.
“I am sorry,” said Tarix, “but I can’t. I must stay and protect my village.”
“I understand that you must stay with your village,” said Mata-Nui, “but is there anyone else who might help?”
“Yes,” said Tarix. “His name is Kiina. He is in the cave above mine.”
“Thank you,” said Mata-Nui.


  1. Kiina's name sounds like a girl name.

  2. im going to make him a boy gosh

  3. there hasnt been a girl this year im not going to let it start now

  4. anyway, a girl gladiator weird

  5. MATA NUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. kiina is not a girl. if anyone would be a girl this year it'd probably be Gelu

  7. Kiina is a girl!!! I founds this out on biosector01.

  8. kiina ia girl god damn it!!!!!!!!!!! read her bio it says it right there on
