Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vastus Review

This guy is very cool. His helmet is one of the best. His curved blade is very cool and i really like the staff and how they made it. I really like those feet and the are probably my favorite. I like the mix with the lime green arms and the dark green legs. Very cool shoulder armor. His body is ok. Vastus is perfect for a jungle guy. He's kind of snaky looking with that helmet. I will definently but this one.


  1. I think he looks vine-y. His body & legs are kinda bare-bones, though. But a difinite buy, I agree.

  2. He has a backwards INIKA torso with an INIKA leg armor piece attached to it... The Glatorian Legends all have INIKA feet too...

  3. Actually Vastus has the same torso piece as Pohato and Kongu with an Inika leg armor attached.......I think...........

  4. Wait no im is the Inika torso....

  5. i think he is ok but he is NOT my favorite

  6. He is the Second best.

  7. HELL NO! The 2nd best is stronius

  8. hordika legs??? I haven't seen those since, well THE HORDIKA!!!

    I definetly i'm buying the guy. HE IS AWESOME!!!

  9. ugh the fact that they have the skinny hordika legs there coupled with the out of place inka leg armour on the body ruins it completely, it would have been a lot better with lime or dark green vahki legs instead of the hordika legs, other than that the pieces are great and very usefull for mocers

  10. vastus is awesome but definitly not the best he is the third first is the ice guy I can't remember his name and the second best by far is mata nui
